(800) 34-KESON

Paint Applicators

Measure and mark simultaneously with RRPA18 and RRPA182. These lightweight spray paint marking wands feature a trigger just under the pistol grip. Engaging the trigger fires off a burst of upside-down spray paint precisely where it’s needed.

You can measure and mark alone, and you can work more quickly than 2 or 3 people with a tape measure and spray gun.


  • 5-digit, easy-read, magnified counter that measures 9,999 feet, 11 inches without resetting. That’s almost two miles.
  • Pistol grip and trigger to spray paint exactly where you want it.
  • Weather resistant housing protects the counter.
  • Precision wheels molded from high-grade ABS, providing a lifetime of accurate measuring.
  • Paint can sleeve fits all standard US-style inverted aerosol paint cans.
Limited Lifetime Warranty.


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Model UPC (052837) Units Circ. Special Features
PA14 010066  –  – Handheld applicator
PA35 010059  –  – Spray as you walk applicator
RRPA18 022298 ft., in. 12 in. Single wheel with applicator
RRPA182 020768 ft., in. 12 in. Dual wheel with applicator