Chalk Line Reels
A chalk line or chalk box is a very simple tool that performs an essential task: it provides a perfectly straight line that is temporary to almost permanent. The material cost to do this essential task is very reasonable. In fact, once you own the reel, it’s almost free.
The more chalk you can functionally put into a chalk line tool, the more snaps you can get per fill up.
- Standard: K1: 2 oz
- P100, K1X, K3X, K3XPro: 3 to 3.5 oz
- Giants: Little Giants: 12 - 16 oz
- Giants: 24 - 27 oz
All Keson chalk line reels use a BigMouth® Grommet (except the K1). Two advantages of a grommet: openings are round, just like the openings for chalk bottles, and the grommet is an easy open/easy and securely close system. Slide doors are rectangular, and can accidently slide open.
- Rectangle Slide: K1
- Small BigMouth®: K1X, K3X, K3XPro
- BigMouth®: G100, G110, G150BOLD, G3X, G3X150BOLD, G130, G150
The higher the gear ratio, the faster you can reel in a chalk line. As chalk lines are pulled from the reel, and as they are retrieved, the string comes into contact with the chalk inside the reel. This is what coats it for the next strike. Go out or come in too fast, and you are missing the opportunity to fully coat your line. Also, too rapidly bringing in a line can cause jams and string twisting.
- 1X 100 feet in about 60 seconds
- Rewind: 30 feet in about 15 seconds
- 3X 100 feet in about 25 seconds
- Rewind: 30 feet in about 10 seconds
How a string is put together determines how much chalk a line holds and how much chalk a line lays down. Strings of the same diameter and material perform differently based on their structure.
- Economical
- Picks up more chalk
- Puts down more chalk
- Stronger than braided
- Uses less chalk
- Puts down less chalk with less ghosting
What a string is made of impacts how much chalk a line holds and how much chalk a line lays down. Strings of the same diameter and structure perform differently based on their material.
Natural (Cotton):
- Picks up more chalk
- Puts down more chalk
- Will mildew and weaken in damp environments
Synthetic (Poly):
- Picks up less chalk
- Puts down less chalk
- Lasts longer, stronger, more durable, and dampness does not affect